Another Jumbo Quarantine Crossword

Last year, during the initial lockdown response to the pandemic, I was laid off from my job. I used some of my free time to try my hand at writing an enormous crossword puzzle, like the ones published in the Globe and Mail that have become an essential part of my family’s Christmas traditions. It was a fun and invigorating challenge – creating a puzzle from scratch gave me a new perspective on and appreciation for the form.

As Ontario enters yet another stay-at-home order, it seems as good a time as any to publish my second (annual?) Jumbo Quarantine Crossword! Oops, I did it again.

This year’s theme is “Sea to Sea to Sea;” the puzzle relies on a broad range of knowledge, but Canadians will perhaps have a leg up.

Click here to download the puzzle:

Click here to download the clues:

Whether you are stuck at home, or an essential worker looking for a reprieve, I hope you enjoy!